27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Oundle

Snipe Meadow Pocket Park

Riverside wildlife area
Snipe Meadow Pocket Park, situated on the banks of the River Nene north of Oundle Wharf, is a very important site for protecting endangered Snipe and Redshank. The meadow is managed to provide nesting sites for Snipe and to minimise disturbance. Visitors can enjoy the riverside setting and its wildlife, but are asked to keep dogs on short leads and respect the needs of the Snipe, particularly during breeding time (March - August). Snipe Meadow has County Wildlife Site Status and contains true mire.

Special Wildlife Snipe, Redshank and other wading birds. Barn Owl, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, Reed Bunting. Tufted Sedge (Carex elata), Marsh Marigold, Meadow Rue, Meadowsweet. A wide range of dragonflies and damselflies.

Access Point At the bottom of Occupation Road (Off New Road) or St Peter's Road. Snipe Meadow is situated near Oundle Rugby Club.

A boardwalk suitable for wheelchair access has been installed.

Recreation Ground

The Recreation Ground in New Road, originally known as the memorial Ground, was established on this site in the 1950's.

There are currently facilities for basketball, football, two play areas, one being enclosed for younger children, a Skateboard Park and a Pocket Park. There is plenty of room for walking and sitting with a picnic.

The area is checked daily by our Open Space Maintenance team to ensure it remains in a good and clean condition; however should you notice anything that needs improvement please do let us know.

The Recreation Ground is available for hire for events. Please contact us for more information.

Last updated: Wed, 16 Sep 2020 14:46