27th September 2024

Search Oundle Town Council

Serving the people of Oundle

Our Objectives

Our vision is supported by 8 draft objectives that will ultimately form the basis of the Neighbourhood Plan:

1 Business, Education and Employment


1.To identify development opportunities to provide further employment within the town, safeguarding existing sites for employment land and/or making alternative provision

2.To be a provider of educational excellence for the town, the immediate locality and nationally.

Supporting actions:

1.Identify sites for commercial and industrial units including:

•A business hub for the community

•Life/work units and small self-contained office units

2.Identify the most suitable new site should the primary school relocate and consider the future use of its existing site if vacated.

2 Connectivity and Parking


1.To reduce the numbers of vehicles unnecessarily transiting the town centre by providing/signposting alternative routes

2.To reduce the numbers of cars in the town by providing cycle ways and footpaths as alternatives for movement within the town, between both existing and new developments and the town centre, and to improve access to the countryside

3.Identify possible sites for new footpaths/cycleways throughout the town

Supporting actions:

1.Arrange specialist transport advice

2.Create linkages between the redeveloped marina and new sites for housing


1.To address parking concerns at key locations in the town by safeguarding available sites and identifying where new parking might be provided.

Supporting actions:

1.Arrange specialist transport advice

2.Consider introducing a Park and Ride scheme

3.Seek out and evaluate additional parking sites/areas such as unused verges and empty spaces

4.To promote the selective use of one way systems that will enhance traffic flows and create space for additional on street parking around the town centre.

3 Green Space


1.To safeguard existing green spaces and where possible provide additional, or enhanced, facilities within existing or new developments (connect with the Town design Statement).

Supporting actions:

1.Reinforce the stance taken in the Oundle Town Design Statement (TDS) on the preservation and provision of open spaces and views

2.Identify land for allotments

3.Protect existing cemetery provision and ensure future provision

4.Identify the most suitable sites for the provision of green spaces within any new developments or the creation of new green spaces within the town.

4 Housing


1.To propose the preferred site or sites for future residential development in the town in the light of the requirements of the Core Strategy Review.

2.To promote the development of any new housing within 1 mile of the town centre in order to support Connectivity and maintain the compact nature of the town.

Supporting actions:

1.Ensure quality design and building standards for all new development supporting the position adopted by the TDS

2.Ensure that transport infrastructure relating to proposed development sites minimises unnecessary traffic flow through the town and maximises the use of other linkages

3.Identify any specific infrastructure requirement relating to new developments in addition to infrastructure provision managed through Local Plan policies

4.Engaging with landowners to ascertain whether they would be likely to seek the residential development of all or any of their land

5.Carrying out a robust assessment of the suitability of potential sites for development

6.Engaging with the town to ascertain their views in relation to the identified potential sites for development.

5 Community, Recreation and Sporting Facilities


1.Consider the adequacy of existing provision for Sporting, Recreational and Community facilities within the town and, if any shortfalls are identified, identify sites where new or enhanced facilities might best be located (whether within the existing built environment or in new development).

Supporting actions:

1.Identify options for sporting and recreational facilities such sharing existing or new school facilities and the development of Fletton House

2.Consider the provision of new or upgraded community facilities

6 Tourism


1.To safeguard and promote those features of the town which encourage tourism and provide the opportunity for further tourist orientated development.

Supporting actions:

1.Identify the features which draw tourists to Oundle and what other key attributes, events and activities might be exploited to increase tourism

2.Liaise with other agencies to identify local tourist attractions

3.Encourage the provision of additional hotel/B&B accommodation

7 Town Centre and Retail


1.To safeguard the town centre and the conservation area, ensuring a continued mix of residential and commercial uses, and to protect and develop the market as a means of stimulating the retail heart of the town, thus attracting visitors to the town centre.

Supporting actions:

1.Strengthen the role of the town centre, encouraging a mixture of centrally located and diverse retail outlets

2.Encourage the provision of additional hotel/B&B accommodation in the town centre

3.Consider the work of the Portas Implementation Group and the Town Centre Manager

Last updated: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:59