27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Oundle

How Will the Plan Be Created?

The steps required to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan are set out in statute and "best practice". They are rigorous and so will require some time to complete. The key steps are set out in the timeline above and summarised below:

Following the launch on January 11th, the focus for the development of the Neighbourhood Plan will be on gathering information from the community and stakeholders through a survey and a series of consultation events.

Over the next few weeks you will be noticing more activity about Oundle's Neighbourhood Plan. You will be receiving a questionnaire asking for your views on the topics which are the basis of our Neighbourhood Plan.

The questionnaire will be distributed during the week of 21st November and need to be completed by 15th December. Each household in the Parish will receive 2 copies, or you can complete it on-line; full details will be on the printed copy.

This allows the ideas behind the Plan to be developed and refined. This effort will culminate in an exhibition where the draft options will be shared in a public exhibition.

Thereafter the actual Neighbourhood Plan will be written and then publically shared. Comments received will be reviewed and incorporated into the plan as appropriate.

A further official publication of the Plan will take place followed by an independent review of the Plan and the process by which it has been developed.

The referendum will then take place and will be based on the question "Do you want East Northamptonshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Oundle to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

Last updated: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:16