27th September 2024

Search Oundle Town Council

Serving the people of Oundle

Committees & Working Parties

Each Councillor works on at least one working party of the Council focussed on a particular aspect of business, for example Planning. They may also represent the Council on other bodies and associations.

Working Parties of the Council meet and work through issues and initiatives and take recommendations to the meetings of the Full Council for debate and decision. These meetings are held as and when necessary and are not open to the public as they are informal and for information gathering, research, etc.

Full details of the Working Party each of the Councillors sit on are included within the attached document.

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are automatically members of each Working Party. The other members are voted in at the first meeting of the Full Council held in May of each year.

Last updated: Wed, 08 Nov 2023 12:59